
The Loch Lomond Angling Improvement Association

Welcome to the Loch Lomond Angling Improvement Association Website

On this website you can use the links at the top of the screen to read information about the work done by the LLAIA, read reports on how the fishing season is going and view articles and resources that may be useful.
Check for regular updates by our contributors on the News and Blogs page.
LLAIA full membership and River Leven Season ticket applications or renewal forms can be downloaded from the LLAIA membership page. Game Fishing day or weekly tickets for the River Leven and Loch Lomond and Coarse Fishing tickets are available from local retailers. You can find a list of retailers here.

If you wish contribute to our News and Blogs section or contact our committee members visit our contact page.

Latest News and Reports

Found – Fly Rod & Reel!

June 7th, 2024|Comments Off on Found – Fly Rod & Reel!

A full member has contacted the Association as he found a quite an expensive fly rod, reel line fully set up at one of our areas on the Endrick, so we know exactly where and [...]

News Byte – Mini Catch Report – 23rd May 2024

May 23rd, 2024|Comments Off on News Byte – Mini Catch Report – 23rd May 2024

News Byte - Mini Catch Report - 23rd May 2024 The numbers of reported fish coming of the Leven have been 'steady', the lower temperatures and heavy rain this week ought to provide an improvement [...]

LLAIA Visit to the Cree Hatchery and Trust, 4th Feb. 2024

May 8th, 2024|Comments Off on LLAIA Visit to the Cree Hatchery and Trust, 4th Feb. 2024

Loch Lomond Angling Improvement Association   Cree Hatchery and Trust Visit 4th Feb. 2024 Visit Report   Colin Liddell, LLAIA Chairman Email address [chairman@lochlomondangling.com] Website: [www.lochlomonangling.com]   CONTENTS Introduction Executive Summary The Hatchery Process Overview [...]

The need for a more collaborative strategy and plan between the LLFT and the LLAIA and other key stakeholders

May 8th, 2024|Comments Off on The need for a more collaborative strategy and plan between the LLFT and the LLAIA and other key stakeholders

The need for a collaborative approach and plan. Foreword The pressures facing our wild Atlantic Salmon today have probably never been greater where they face increasing threats both at sea and within our rivers and [...]
