The attached link takes you on to the Deveron, Borgie and Isla Rivers Charitable Trust Facebook page and provides a fascinating insight into the life of brown trout on that system. The appliance of science using tracking devices shows that some large brown trout make annual migrations throughout the system. Well worth a read and shows the results that properly funded projects can produce.

A similar project into the migration of salmon and sea trout smolts was carried out several years ago by scientists from SCENE at Rowardennan and a presentation given at the 2016 AGM. Again very interesting but as only small numbers of smolts were released and monitored the conclusions drawn were limited. We will hopefully be able to publish that report in the near future.

  • Building up a knowledge base on the life style and factors impacting on our juvenile salmonoids is a very important part of understanding the pressures and hazards they face and how we can work towards removing them, particularly through habitat improvement and managing the threat from predators maximising the survival rate and numbers returning. Food for thought….


BEHIND THE SCENESBrown Trout Tracking PilotYou may or may not have heard of this project that we took part in back…

Posted by Deveron, Bogie & Isla Rivers Charitable Trust on Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Posted by Loch Lomond Angling Improvement Association on Monday, December 10, 2018

The link has also been posted on our Facebook page.
