The heavy all day downpours earlier in the week proved most welcome and provided a much needed significant lift in water levels for the Endrick and Fruin in particular. The runs and catches of Grilse, in the 5-6lb range, continues to provide both good sport and is of course an encouraging sign on several fronts. Whilst this recent big rise in the height gauges driven by frequent fronts blowing in was much appreciated the rise was relatively short lived in duration making the fishing ‘window’ for those spate dependent waters relatively short lived. In some ways it may have been more beneficial to have the large amount of rain spread over a longer period but that’s the nature of the weather patterns which take no account of angler’s needs and wants. Those who managed to time their outings correctly however brief did however enjoys success with some fine catches on each of our rivers. Other areas of our system have continued to provide good sport including the Leven which has maintained almost a steady height during the past week in the range of 1.0m-1.2m.

Gartness Bridge Endrick Monday July 29th 2020
Note: No Access to Endrick (Barnsford area) on 5th August 2020
Whilst on the subject of the Endrick please note the following restriction.
We wish to inform all of our full members that for the full 24hrs of this Wednesday the 5th August ONLY our fishings at the Barnsford area on the Endrick Water will be temporary closed. Specific areas include both banks from the “Little Pots” all the way down to the Meetings Lynn, both banks of the Blane from the B834 road bridge down to the Meetings Lynn including both banks downstream from the Meetings Lynn. These areas will unfortunately be out of bounds to all LLAIA members as the land owner has granted permission for a TV production company to have access to their land for that day. Therefore Barnsford lane and car park will also be inaccessible. We recognise that this may inconvenience a few members especially if fishing conditions are favourable but we would point out that all other Endrick stretches that the L.L.A.I.A own and lease will of course be accessible as normal.
River Leven
Local experienced Loch and river angler Alun Pryce got things moving this week by landing and subsequently releasing a lovely Grilse at the “Top Pool”on the spinner on Monday 27th July, well done and congratulations Alun.

Alun Pryce with a lovely Grilse 6lb
Also on Monday Leven regular Davie Robertson continued to add to his tally for the season with a Grilse of 6lb at the “Factory Wall” which was safely released, well done Davie (no image).
On Tuesday 28th with the continuing rise in gauges Steven Connor landed another lovely Grilse, also 6lb on the Flying C at Dalquhurn, well done Steven and congratulations.

Steven Connor 6lb Grilse Dalquhurn Tuesday 28th July 2020
Experienced local angler Steven Gilfeather landed a lovely Grilse of 6lb at the “Double Pipes” on Wednesday 29th July 2020 also on the Flying C, well done and congratulations Steven.

Steven Gilfeather 6lb Grilse 29th July 2020
Meantime regular experienced angler Samuel Burgoyne continues to add to his successes this season with a beautiful 5lb Grilse on Wednesday 29th July which was safely returned, well done Samuel.
River Leven Water Conditions
Image above shows current temperature and water level of the River Leven at the Bonhill Pool, it also includes high and low tides at Bowling and water levels at Linbrane (©SEPA). For the latest water height information continue to check the LLAIA website at
Additionally the current water gauge level for the River Leven at Linbrane can be obtained from SEPA by following this link
Local information concerning tide tables can be found here
Loch Lomond
Our Chairman Jim Raeburn added to his earlier success with a solid fish of 14lb on Monday 27th July which was landed around “The Hen Isle“, this beauty was safely returned after being revived, well done and congratulations Jim.

Jim Raeburn 14lb “The Hen Isle” 27th July
On Wednesday 29th July Francis Caldwell landed a cracking 7lb Grilse (no image), well done and congratulations Francis.
Balmaha regular Bob Forshaw continued his adventures on Friday 31st July by unfortunately losing a 10lb fish at the net. However this was soon forgotten as he hooked and successfully landed a cracking fish of 15lb which was safely released. Well done Bob for continuing to show how it is done and those dogs must either be very well trained or just used to having salmon in front of them!

Bob Forshaw 31st July 15lb Lomond Salmon
Seasoned angler Stuart Sutherland landed this stunningly beautiful Brownie of 4-5lb (estimated) on Saturday 1st August which was gently and safely returned, well done Stuart.

Stuart Sutherland 4-5lb Brownie Lomond 1st August
River Endrick
Experienced angler and Endrick regular Max Calesso reacted to the rise in water heights and landed a lovely 4lb Grilse on Tuesday 28th July. Well done and congratulations Max.
Meantime on Wednesday 29th July seasoned Endrick fisher Colin Ferguson also timed things just right and landed an absolutely cracking 10lb fish which was safely returned after a great scrap on light gear, great stuff and well done Colin.

Colin Ferguson 10lb 29th July Endrick
Also on Wednesday the action continued on the Endrick with experienced angler Chris Turner landing this lovely wee Grilse of 4.25lb, well done and congratulations Chris.

Chris Turner Grilse 4.25lb 29th July 2020
Young angler Charlie Hopkins clearly took on board all the advice and tips from his Father and Uncle (Martin Hopkins) and landed this cracking Endrick fish on Wednesday 29th July which was duly returned, well done and congratulations Charlie.

Charlie Hopkins 29th July 2020 Endrick
River Fruin
It’s good to see the Fruin starting to come “on line” in recent days as anglers react to favourable water heights. On Thursday 30th July seasoned member Jamie Strachan landed a beautiful wee sea trout on a stoats tail, lovely well done and congratulations Jamie.

Jamie Strachan 30th July Fruin Sea Trout
River Endrick Water Conditions
current water gauge level for the Endrick at Gaidrew can be obtained from SEPA by following this link :
current water gauge level for the Blane at Quinloch Bridge can be obtained from SEPA by following this link:
The Estuary
Reports concerning the Estuary continue to be elusive, as we know this part of our system normally provides excellent action and good returns of Sea Trout and other species so we would urge all anglers and members to share their stories and successes with our readers, members and visitors please?
The recent heavy rainfall at the start of last week has undoubtedly favoured catches particularly in those spate or height dependent parts of our system. The good news is that based upon the weather outlook for the coming week then more heavy rainfall periods are expected this week driven by continued waves of cold and warm fronts which ought to at least provide some lifts in heights and fresh water into the system. Thank you to all for your support and reports of catches and tales please continue to share your stories and successes.
We recently highlighted the need for anglers to be aware and alert to the possible catches or sightings of fish which exhibit Skin Damage or “Red Rash” and the need for anglers to remain alert remains. This condition was first reported last season in Scottish and Scandinavian rivers and despite efforts to identify the cause of this ultimately fatal condition affecting our wild salmon scientists and fishery conservation organisations have so far failed to identify the cause of this condition which threatens the wild fish populations.
It is imperative therefore that as much is understood concerning this threat in order to support any possible mitigation actions which may ultimately include further salmon conservation measures. Hence it is vital that we all act to provide as much information to the scientists and marine conservation groups. Details of how to identify this condition and what anglers require to do if they suspect they witness or land a fish showing signs of this condition are detailed in the earlier post which can be found here
The key thing here is where a fish is found or suspected to exhibit this condition is that anglers report and photograph this immediately whilst at the same time they make every effort to keep the fish alive until samples can be taken for testing. From a practical viewpoint whilst we appreciate the difficulties here we ask anglers to make every effort to comply with this and be supportive. A recent article published in The Glasgow Herald highlights the growing concern associated with this additional threat our Atlantic Salmon face. The article can be found here

Skin Damage or “Red Rash”
We wish everyone the best of luck in their fishing exploits and respectfully remind all anglers to observe best practice at all times in carefully netting, unhooking and releasing your prize fish and ask all anglers to always stay safe whilst on the banks or on the water. The image below helps to illustrate ‘best practice’ in handling and release of all fish.

Respect your fish
We actively encourage all anglers to share your fishing tales, stories and photographs (coarse or game fishing) with us. In doing so we can recognise and share your successes with all of our members and visitors. Please therefore remember to send details of your tales, photographs, stories to us by email to