Our most precious Atlantic Salmon has rarely if ever faced so much pressure for survival due to continued threats from a number of sources.


Many of these threats and their solution lie far beyond the control of individual anglers. However there are simple things within every angler’s direct control that can easily and directly improve the survival of this amazing creature.

Research has shown that almost all fish will survive if they are treated properly, according to a simple set of rules.

In the accompanying video three anglers fished Bywell beat, River Tyne on the last 2 days of the season in search of Atlantic Salmon with Professor Ken Whelan from the Atlantic Salmon Trust. Despite almost mid-summer conditions, our volunteer anglers provided us with two magnificent seventeen pound cock fish and a beautiful, silver 5 pounder. Fittingly the first 17lb fish fell to 19 year old Jess England, the youngest of our anglers and the second brute was caught by 77 year old Tom Robinson Survival rates for salmon are greatly increased if proper angling techniques and equipment is used, and practices for catching, handling and releasing fish are adopted.


To view the video click here

Reproduced courtesy of Fishpal and The Atlantic Salmon Trust.

Full credits are listed on associated the YouTube page 


Question: If “Good Practice” advocates keeping the fish in the net and in the water at all times then should all anglers be required to carry an approved net at all times?