Over the past few days various posts have appeared on social media and web sites about a ‘break down’ in the relationship between the Loch Lomond Angling Association and the Loch Lomond Fisheries Trust. We would now like to dispel these rumours. Following the LLAIA AGM in February the LLAIA Chairman, contacted LLFT Chairman Mr Eddie Edmonstone, several times by email and letter in an attempt to discuss future partnership working and strategy. Mr Edmonstone was also invited to attend the Scottish Bailiffing Conference, hosted in Dumbarton in March by the LLAIA,  to arrange for a presentation by the LLFT. Neither of these letters or emails were acknowledged.

The LLAIA secretary also contacted the LLFT secretary Mr Mark Hedgecoe intimating the LLAIA’s willingness to work with the LLFT, offering support and volunteers to assist. This dialogue was also fruitless. We were eventually informed that a meeting of LLFT trustees would be held in May . We pointed out that there had still been no discussion between the LLAIA and LLFT and requested that a LLAIA representative attend this meeting. Again we were ignored.

Following this meeting we received communication from the LLFT that it had been decided to terminate the LLAIA membership. We were given no specific reasons for this.

The committee has now passed our communication trail and LLFT Articles of Association to the LLAIA solicitors for advice. It should be borne in mind that the LLAIA were founder members of the LLFT along with the riparian owners. Since the committee was appointed in February there has been no change in policy towards the LLFT and we have expressed that we are more than willing to work with them for the good of the Lomond system.   However, we have not been afforded the opportunity to discuss anything whatsoever..why?… we ask ourselves.

Contact has been made with Fisheries Management Scotland, the umbrella body for Fishery Trusts and District Salmon Fishery Boards and also Marine Scotland (Salmon and Recreational Fisheries Department). Both bodies are aware of our position. Although the LLAIA is not a salmon fishery board FMS have indicated that they may be able assist in any mediation.

There are various options open to us and once we hear from the LLAIA solicitors will decide which course to take. In the meantime we request that this topic is not discussed on social media or websites. Uninformed chatter is not helpful and can be damaging to our reputation.


LLAIA Committee