This year’s Pike Fly fishing Competition on Loch Lomond will be held on Sunday 9 June between 0900hrs and 1700hrs.
The event will be based at Balmaha boatyard and boat, kayak and bank anglers may take part. A registration fee of £5 is payable on the day at Balmaha between 0800hs and 0900hrs or in advance at Glasgow Angling Centre. All competitors must be in possession of a valid permit. Full details of rules and registration are attached. Proceeds will be donated to the Loch Lomond Rescue Boat.

Alan McGregor – 2018 winner- Pike 15lb 4oz
1st Prize – Heaviest Fish – Vision ‘Big Daddy’ Rod and Reel
2nd Prize – Heaviest Bag – Greys ‘Predator’ Combo
3rd Prize – Runner Up Heaviest Fish – Guideline Pike Line
LLAIA GAC Loch Lomond 2019 Pike Fly Fishing Competition Rules