As we approach the end of the 2020 Season catches on the River Leven and Endrick has notably increased in recent weeks with some nice fish being landed on both rivers. The River Leven has maintained a good height during recent weeks partly as a result of barrage being consistently lowered which is likely to remain the case from now until the end of the season. The Endrick and Fruin have benefited from some large rises following some big rain downpours in recent weeks where subsequent reported catches reflect such favourable water conditions. Catch reports relating to the Loch have begun to diminish as fewer and fewer boats appear to be on the water in recent weeks.
By catch reports then of course I refer to wild fish and not those from the ‘pollution incident’ from MOWI’s N Carradale facility. In relation to this we would like to extend our thanks to all anglers who have consistently provided and continue to report and to provide the required information and we would encourage all anglers to continue to do so between now and the end of the season.
We would remind all anglers that as we are now in October then the system is now 100% catch and release. Further details relating to this regulation can be found here
River Leven
On Wednesday 2nd September Leven angler Gavin Lees landed a cracking Salmon of 10lb at The Factory Wall on a BC Chinook Intruder fly (tied by D.Hughes) congratulations and well done Gavin.

Gavin Less 10lb Salmon off the “Factory Wall
On Thursday 3rd September Robert Baxter successfully landed a fine wee Grilse of around 7lb at “The Stuckie Bridge” well done Robert.
On Friday 21st September local experienced Leven angler Derek Hughes successfully enticed and landed a cracking fresh Grilse of 8lb at “The Flowers” which was safely returned.

Derek Hughes 8lb hen fish safely returned
Leven angler Craig McKerry caught this lovely Grilse of 6lb (est.) on Monday 28th September whilst fishing the worm at “The Top Pool“. The fish was safely and carefully returned, congratulations and well done Craig.

Craig McKerry 6lb Grilse Top Pool
Tuesday 29th September saw Frazer Murray successfully landed and released this nice Grilse of 8lb (est) at “The Boat Pool” on a Flamethrower , great stuff Frazer and well done.

Frazer Murray 8lb Grilse Boat Pool
Stewart Brown got October off to a great start by landing and safely releasing a fine Grilse of 6lb on the worm at “The Top Pool”, congratulations and well done Stewart.
On Monday 5th October James Summers got the week started landing a fine Grilse of 8lb (est) on the worm and which after a quick photo was safely returned. Congratulations and well done James.

James Summers 8lb Grilse (est)
On Monday experienced Leven angler Stephen Gilfeather took his chances when he successfully hooked and landed a lovely Grilse of 7lb on the minnow at Linnbrane. Congratulations and well done Stephen.
River Leven Water Conditions
Image above shows current temperature and water level of the River Leven at the Bonhill Pool, it also includes high and low tides at Bowling and water levels at Linbrane (©SEPA). For the latest water height information continue to check the LLAIA website at
Additionally the current water gauge level for the River Leven at Linbrane can be obtained from SEPA by following this link
Local information concerning tide tables can be found here
Loch Lomond
Thursday 24th September saw coarse angler Rosco Thurley land this stunning Pike 18-20lb (est.) from the Loch on a dead bait. What a magnificent fish and beautiful colourings well done Rosco.

Rosco Thurley with a stunning Lomond Pike
On Saturday 3rd October Loch angler Stephen Kennedy landed this amazing Brown Trout of around 6lb at The Tap End. Well done and congratulations Stephen.

Stephen Kennedy Brown Trout 6lb Tap End
River Endrick
On Monday 31st August Endrick angler John McNab landed a lovely Grilse of 4lb on a ‘wee Stoats Tail’ whilst fishing at Drumtain. September got off to a busy start following a big rise in water levels. Colin Ferguson got things moving at Barnsford with a beautiful Sea Trout of around 2lb congratulations and well done Colin.

Colin Ferguson 2lb Sea Trout Barnsford
Recent new member Jamie Carruth continues to show us all how it’s done when he landed a stunning Sea Trout of 3.5lb on 14th September on “The Medicine Fly” at Drumtain, well done and congratulations Jamie.
Following recent spate conditions the river eventually dropped to its ‘magical’ ideal levels.
On Monday 5th October Jamie Carruth continued his winning form by landing two Grilse of 4lb and 5lb on the back of the recent spate conditions. Jamie also reported losing two good fish on the same outing, well done and congratulations Jamie.
Also on Monday 5th October Endrick angler John Coppola landed a Grilse of 6lb at Drumtain which was safely released to continue its journey, well done John and congratulations.
On the same day Endrick experienced angler Chris Turner netted a fabulous Endrick Salmon of 9.5lb once again at Drumtain. Following a quick photo the fish was safely and carefully released, well done and congratulations Chris.

Chris Turner 9.5lb Salmon Monday 5th October
On Wednesday 7th October Chris Turner once more was tightening into a good fish this time at “Craigbell” where he successfully hooked and landed a smashing fish of 11lb which after the tussle was safely returned. Great stuff and well done Chris.

Chris Turner and a fine Endrick Salmon (11lb)
River Fruin
No confirmed catch reports concerning the River Fruin.
The Estuary
No confirmed catch reports concerning The Estuary.
So following a somewhat lull in terms of reported catches in recent weeks it is clear that the system has come alive, aided no doubt by some welcome rises as a result of the recent deluges. The forecast for the coming week shows some additional rainfall at the beginning of the week which may further boost the opportunities for those that can time any rises correctly.
It is noteworthy that we are not receiving any catch reports concerning the River Fruin and also The Estuary. These parts of our system will no doubt be producing fish so we would therefore encourage all anglers to share their stories and successes with other members.
As we enter the final two or three weeks of fishing it should come as no surprise that some of the larger fish will now be in or entering or system and we look forward to this fact being reflected in your catch reports in the coming few weeks.
Finally just a reminder of every angler’s responsibilities regarding reporting of any of the escaped farmed fish. We require that details of all captured farmed fish be reported by all anglers. Details regarding how to identify a farmed fish and what to do if you catch one can be found here:
We would also like to remind all anglers of the two chances to win a prize of a free 2021 River Leven season permit (or the equivalent value discounted towards a full 2021 membership) that is available. Details of this can be found here
We actively encourage all anglers to share your fishing tales, stories and photographs (coarse or game fishing) with us. In doing so we can recognise and share your successes with all of our members and visitors. Please therefore remember to send details of your tales, photographs, stories to us by email to
We wish everyone the best of luck in their fishing exploits and respectfully remind all anglers to observe best practice at all times in carefully netting, unhooking and releasing your prize fish. We ask all anglers to always stay safe whilst on the banks or on the water. The image below helps to illustrate ‘best practice’ in handling and release of all fish.

Respect your fish